Essentials 学习成果

The definition of success

JCC’s Essentials are designed to build your knowledge and skills in a number of different areas of learning. Our learning outcomes define what those areas of learning are.

What do learning outcomes have to do with your courses?

Instructors use these common goals when they plan course content. 例如, if you’re taking a course approved for 文化理解 credit, the readings and assignments for that course are tailored to the 文化理解 goals. 所有JCC课程, no matter the subject area, sharpen skills in the areas of 批判性推理, 信息素养, and Technological Competency.

1级 & 整个课程


  • Develop well-reasoned conclusions based upon available information.
  • 识别, 分析, 评估想法, data, and arguments as they occur in one’s own or others’ work.
  • Weigh diverse perspectives in the face of opposing viewpoints and understand the source of one’s own assumptions and biases.


  • Clearly articulate the various dimensions of an interdisciplinary issue or problem.


  • Locate information effectively using tools appropriate to the need and discipline.
  • Evaluate information with an awareness of authority, validity, and bias.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of information use, 创建, 和传播.

Technological Competency

  • 有效地定位, 收集, 组织, 解释, and present data and ideas using the appropriate computer software.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use computers and other devices to effectively communicate electronically with others.

值 & 道德意识

  • Recognize the importance of ethical behavior in fostering a community of mutual respect and dignity.


Communication: Written (College Composition) & 口服

  • Demonstrate coherent college-level communication (written and oral) that informs, 说服, or otherwise engages with an audience.
  • Demonstrate the ability to revise and improve written and oral communication.
  • Research a topic, develop an argument, and 组织 supporting details.
  • Evaluate communication for substance, bias, and intended effect.


  • Interpret and draw inferences from appropriate mathematical models such as formulas, 图, 表, 或图表.
  • Represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally as appropriate.
  • Employ quantitative methods such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems.

Scientific Reasoning in the Natural Sciences

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, 包括观察, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, 实验, evaluation of evidence, and employment of data analysis or mathematical modeling; and
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how scientific data, 概念, and models are applied in one of the natural sciences.

Scientific Reasoning in the Social Sciences

  • Describe major 概念 and theories of at least one discipline in the social sciences.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena.


  • Demonstrate understanding of cultural similarities and differences and how cultural norms shape each person’s experience of the world.



  • Demonstrate awareness of systemic global issues and the impact of individual and collective decisions on life around the world.

Diversity: Equity, 包容, & 社会正义

  • Describe the historical and contemporary societal factors that shape the development of diverse individual and group identities, including but not limited to race, 阶级和性别.
  • Analyze the role that social structures and systems play in the 创建 and perpetuation of power, 特权, 压迫, 和机会.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how the principles of rights, 访问, 股本, and autonomy apply to social justice action, 过去的, 当前的, 或未来.


  • Effectively apply knowledge and skills to a real-world experience, 创新项目, or independent intellectual investigation.
  • Thoughtfully reflect on connections between 概念 studied in the classroom and insights gained from an applied learning experience/project.